Text by A. Rawlings

HARALDUR JÓNSSON AND US   MEÐ: WITH, OR ALMOST CENTRAL On winter solstice 2016, Haraldur Jónsson and I slip into conversation at the top of...

Text by Oddný Eir Ævarsdóttir

Apertures Beware! If you wander around during the opening, that certain something - that some days is mundane, other days not- will alter itself. It...

Text by Drew Daniels

Galaxies and Black Holes Haraldur Jonsson’s “Galaxy” greets the viewer with a dense star cluster of lamps, huddled together to give and receive...

Eftir Evu Heisler

Haraldur Jónsson Haraldur Jónsson (f. 1961) er mjög næmur á það sem hann kallar “landslag heyrnarinnar” og víxlverkun tungumáls og skynjunar. Í...

Text by Jón Proppé

The Subtle Art of Haraldur Jónsson Haraldur Jónsson has exhibited widely in the last two decades and developed a highly personal imagery and...

Eftir Kristínu Ómarsdóttur

Eilífðarmál Um sýningu Haraldar Jónssonar í Skaftfelli Eilífðin hefur löngum auglýst sjálfa sig með myndmálinu. Og frá því spekingar byrjuðu að tala...